Monday, October 8, 2007

Kristen Bell On her New Move Entitled Mnemovore

This past weekend, at the HP Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland, Oregon, supporters took a surprise attempt to 10 minutes of footage of a proposed Mnemovore film, starring Kristen Bell, according to Comics in February Film. Mnemovore is based on the mini-series by the same name by DC Comics Vertigo.

It tells the story of a professional snow boarder who suffers an accident that gave her amnesia. This amnesia puts it in a position to fight an ancient entity that feeds on the memory of humanity.

Hans Rodionoff, a comic book creator and producer of independent films produced the video. Rodionoff said that fans Guillermo Del Toro (Hellboy, Pan's Labyrinth) is on board as executive producer, and that the pictures have been taken to show Rodionoff del Toro, which is capable of directing. There has been no confirmation that Bell would be in the actual film.

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